Griffin-Spalding Mentor Program
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One person can make the difference in the life of a child.
The Griffin-Spalding Mentor Program is an initiative of the Spalding County Collaborative Authority for Families and Children, which began in 2012 in partnership with the Griffin-Spalding Chamber of Commerce, the Griffin Housing Authority, and the Griffin-Spalding County School System. The Mentor Program matches responsible adults with students who would benefit from having the extra time and attention that a mentor can bring.
A mentor acts as a listener, a role model and a friend. Children who are mentored have better school attendance, better attitudes toward school, a greater likelihood of completing school and less substance abuse than non-mentored students. Developmental research shows that children are more likely to flourish, and become productive adults when they have one or more caring adults in their life.
Mentors interact with their mentee on a weekly basis either on school premises or virtually in a monitored open room. The program requires a one-year commitment, but mentor-mentee pairings are encouraged to extend beyond the first year. The mentor visiting schedule is flexible and may occur during or after school hours.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘What are you doing for others?'”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
About Us
The Griffin-Spalding Mentor Program is administered through the Spalding Collaborative, a quasi-governmental 501(c)3 entity. The Collaborative serves as a local decision-making body, bringing community partners together to asses, plan, implement, and evaluate plans that address serious challenges facing Spalding County’s children and families. They aim to improve the well-being and health conditions of families through a collaborative system of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual supports. To learn more about the Collaborative and about additional local efforts that are underway, please visit the Spalding Collaborative website.
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